Epic Customer Service Is Essential To Successful Conference Apps

January 29, 2014

Customer service should never be an afterthought when choosing a networking platform for your event – and we’ll never treat it like one. Learn about our epic customer service, and exactly why it’s necessary for the success of your event!

Conference Beacons for Fun & Profit

January 14, 2014

Running an event an need an unobtrusive way to notify your attendees? Learn how beacons can assist your conference’s notification system, polling, exhibitor outreach and more – all while adding an exciting technological flare to your attendees’ event experience.

Teach Attendees to Maximize the Value of Your Conference Platform

January 3, 2014

Your event app is an investment, and you want attendees to make the most of it. Here are some tips for helping event-goers use your networking app to to its full potential and reap every benefit possible at your next event!

The Power of Collaboration

November 13, 2013

The search for faster cures is no longer the responsibility of a select few. Learn how JUJAMA’s event app fosters the power of collaboration between doctors, patients, scientists, government bodies and private sector members to further medical research at a number of high-profile annual events.

A Tablet In Every Bag: Why Conference Tablets Are The Future

October 26, 2013

Many events are going completely digital with their conference materials, agendas, brochures, etc. – including giving attendees their own tablet upon registration! Here’s why we expect to see complementary tablets at every event within the next few years, and exactly what that means for the event industry.

Think Outside the App II: 3 More Things a Basic App Can’t Give You

October 7, 2013

If your app isn’t helping attendees accomplish their goals at your event, isn’t it time to rethink your event app? With onsite support, flexibility of access, and features custom to your event’s specifications, we’ll help you break the mold of basic networking platforms, making your event a success for both you and your attendees.

Think Outside the App: 3 Things Cookie-Cutter Event Apps Can’t Do For You

September 24, 2013

Think attendees won’t notice your event’s cookie-cutter app? Think again. Learn how to maximize attendee satisfaction – and ensure their return year after year – with a fully-customized JUJAMA event app!

JUJAMA Debuts New User Interface At Leading Luxury Travel Event

September 24, 2013

Luxury travel consortium Virtuoso recently celebrated it’s 25th anniversary at their annual Virtuoso Travel Week event – and JUJAMA was there to help power the over-4,000-attendee event. Here is what we did to help attendees connect and make the most of their VTW experience!